WHY?...KENAPA?.....that is the 2 most common questions that has been running over my head for a very...very..very..very..veryyyyyyy long time....you can question all u want all about this world,whats happening now,animal,people,politics....for example...why is the world round?..why do we even need a country?....when will the war ends?.....why is racism necessary?...why am i like this?..why am i like that?...and bla bla bla....why?...when?...who?...which??!!.....you will probably get an answers for all that questions which of course not all of it will satisfy you.... but the most complicated matter that a human would ever want to think about....is......obviously...LIFE....n LOVE.......have you ever feel satisfied to all the answers for that two subject?...NO!!..at least i dont...the more u dig n try to figure it out..the more complicated it will be...for example....i have a friend..who havent been in relationship for 2 god damn years...and he has been happy at that period since he got a new hobby that he really2 like in order just trying to forget what has love done to him in the past....so..he was great at time...no girls or love issues watsoever ...i know,im his best friend...but just recently...hmm..how do u say this...an "angel" drops on him....he met this one girl virtually...they chatted through ym...and have been calling each other for about a month....and then they ended up meeting each other up...so...as usual...i wish him luck..and i said just be yourself.. ;) ...the first "date" was a succes...she told me how cute the girl is and she is very nice and would love to meet her again....few days after that,he got another chance to meet this girl..that is when things get a little complicated...after he went back from the 2nd "date" ,he called me and ask me if i got time to talk now...i met him in front of **** college...then..straight away...the questions that pops up in his head after he went back from meeting this girl for a 2nd time is like.....he said to me..."why now?..why me?..and why did i even bother to care in the first place?...why do i kept going on until now?....why is that among billions people of this world...we we were destined to meet?"...n the weird part is...this 2 person is someone who have kind of a big problems at the moment and honestly..is just someone who needs a partner and just pure and honest love,which is hard to find right?......both with 2 common issues and meet up is nothing but a coincidence???....i dont think so..everything happens for a reasons...right?..now...he cant sleep at nite...everything he does n see...her face will be ther...he thinks about her all the time...n i mean ALL THE TIME.....is that love?...do u know?..how do u define love?......can u show love?...with a hug?..with a kiss?....do u really think dats love?...how much time do we really need to love someone?...a minute?..an hour?..a day?..a week?...a year?...heck..maybe even a thousand years?....but does that really counts?...do you really define your love by how long you know dat person?....do u define your love by how long you spend your time with that person before he/she said what he/she truly feels?..before he/she says "I LOVE YOU"????..is that how???....or you will just know it deep inside ur heart that she is the one?...how and when do u say what u really feels about her?...that is surely a lot of questions right??...can you asnwer dat?...yes,you!...the one whos is reading this right now....can you?...So anyway..this friend of mine..just said..."its not my choice to know her,...maybe its fate?...a test?...will i feel the pain that i felt years ago?...what for?...is she's the one?...now...i have fallen for her which eventhough she said "DONT!!" which i dun really know if she really meant it or not?...she said wanted me to be just as a friend,..and that..im not her type...and i dont know if that is really true or not...i dont think i can be just as her friend...i did not choose to fall for her...but it did happen and i cant control it...if i could..i wont..but...she was like so...arghhhhh!!..even words cant explain that..its more than what you think it is...i once didnt believe at all bout this "love at first sight" crap...n i really do thought it was just bullshit...but now i know,its true...n how it truly feels....the first time i met her...it just stabs you in the heart..i dont know what it is...but is just stays there with me...and no matter how hard i try to forget it..i cant...what is it?...can u help me?....if there is a surgery for this i would do it.....is there any???....i have heard her laughs and cries,but is that really a good thing?...what if she doesnt feel the same way?...what if i get rejected?...will i be able to even stand up at that time?...i really truly do love her...there is just something bout her that is different...that tells me she is honest....she is the one that can make me happy...and that i can make her happy too..i just cant define how is that possible...we still barely know each other....but as u can see...it did happen.....how can i show to her that i am really2 honest?...how do i do that?....do u know?....honestly....now...i CANT forget about her and i do really wants to be the one who makes her happy...but at the same time..i dont want to get hurt by this in the future.....you will never know what will happen....but i guess...u cant really control that right???...should i tell her how do i truly feels?..or should i not?....can u help me?!...PLEASE?!!....i do really hope that she can listen to us right now and see how i truly feels about her and how honest i am.... ;(...".....then...he straight away started to cry....seriously...i can really see that he is really honest this time...he was never like this in a relationship before...he never did asked me this much questions ever since i known him for the past 6 years....but honestly...i dont really have all the asnwers to all of his question....he will just have to figure it out by himself...its better that way..i think.....so..to you...who feels like you know who he is...or who is she talking about....now you know how do he really feels about you...lucky you... ^_^..i hope she really is reading this right now...... :) ...anyway...as u can see...LOVE and LIFE really do have a strong connection between them......it really makes me think....does it make u?~..... - end
well,lets just end this by saying :
LIFE = not fair....but either way we have to keep going rite???....
Coincidence = for me.....there is no coincidence,..everything happens for a reason..
LOVE = will fuck you up,plays around with your emotions and test you ALL THE TIME!!...n until u learn something from it...that is when it stops...n u will find ur true soulmate.....
PEOPLE = are just Complicated~ ;)
p/s : i am a quiet person,but that doesnt make me stupid,i think a lot....and just because im not crying..doesnt mean im ok... ;)
You and Me?
6 days ago
hehehhe... life is sweet..
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