Would u please....
do not... keep me wondering...
jez..straight to the point...
wont dat be easier?..
"Do u or do u not want me?"..its as simple as it can be...don u think?...
"Just friends"?...or...more than that?...
I need to know...i have to know...or..do u actually enjoy toying around with my feelings?..
Do u like to play?...with HUMAN feelings?...
DO NOT deny my existence.. DO NOT..ignore me...
call me STUPID...call me CRAZY..call me wutever u want...u're jez too good to be true for me...
WHERE have u been?...i've been searching for u all my life...
i found YOU...dont let me be LOST again...
i WANT you...
i NEED you...
NO body languange or hints for me plz..im not good with dat..jez..tell me..straight to the point...
i am..VERY2..a straight forward kind of guy...
havent u've been paying attention?...u should've known by now.. ;)
You and Me?
6 days ago
wait.. sabar.. she'll come to you.. she's meant to be with you. trust me my friend. she is another version of Wong.. :)
"tak tahulah" - jawapan kegemaran perempuan
kalau tunggu "prince cahrming"..sampai bilo2 tak dapet mbong! yo tak ashie? kahkahkah
koloper nak?
Epul : btul lah tu...mmg tulah ayat typical-nyer... nk bwat camne kan.. ;)
Ashie : hehe...mayb..mayb not...mayb prasan sorang2..mayb not..ther just too many "maybe"...which sucks..haha..
epul: mmg tipikal perempuan macam tu.. kadang2 kita yg lelaki get sick bila face situation macam ni. Mereka susah nak buat keputusan! Kalau kaulah nak tunggu "prince charming" kau sampai kek kau, borabad la namo eh bingai! haha!
bori den kolopir kau, den jadikan umpan ikan sok! haha!
Wong : btol lah tu.. sabarrr. :)
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