Well,for starters....went to see Prince of Persia in One U yesterday for the 2nd time n was really2 dissapointed.Not towards the movie..but to the ppl who r watching it.Ther r still people who r making noises...answering calls??!!!...chit-chating like dkat mamak or sumthing...wat the fuck?!!!...fucking idiots!!..We Malaysian,well known with sopan santun kononya..still doesnt care n x amek port langsung pasal org lain..xde respect utk org lain...c'mon la wei..org lain pun bayar masuk wyg,..but xde pun nk bwat PARAOK mcm korang?..nk bising sgt beli dvd tgk kr rumah la...jgn la rosakkan mood org lain...They only think for themselves...Malaysian civic mind is still at a very2 low bar..not just in the movies..semua bende pun same,highway ke,kedai makan ke,gig ke,cc ke..same je sume.THEY ALL JEZ DONT CARE.We bother to care more for other ppl outside of Malaysia other than the ones inside it sedangkan kite tgh bwat perkara yg sama ape yang org luar tgh bwat dkat rakyat sendiri?..ape bende tu?...x ke bodoh namenye tu?..fikirlah,dlm sedar x sedar ramai lg org yg tertindas dlm negara sendiri yg x terurus pun lg..yg pegi sibok2 hal luar tu knape?..atas dasar islam or atas dasar humanity?..bkan x boleh,tp at least setel la dlu apa yg lebih penting...setel ape yg within reach dlu..haih..
Nway,back to Prince of Persia...the movie was nice overall,lotsa of actions..but the storyline is quite weak...but it was good enuff for me considering i've played the games since it started on MS DOS...8bit wey..haha ;)
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