oh..i feel so left out right now...so stupid..so confused....
what do u want actually?...
do u really care?..
do u really have me in your heart?..
do u really remember me?..
do u really like me?..
do u really love me?..
do u really care for me?..
do u have someone else now?..
what are u afraid of?..
i wanna be a part of your life...but you wont let me now...y is that?...everything,is not like before..i want it to be..i wish it to be..but its not...why is that?...there's too many "WHY?" now...i do..love u...i always have n will always do..really...but its the same from your side...is it now?...or is it not?...i need...i have to know...talk to me..i need closure..dont left me hanging...
im so freaking tired...jez say "YES" for yes...n "NO" for no..its that simple...dont twist it around....
tired...so very tired.....
YOU, by all shud know i dont like to play around when it comes to this matter....
u know u who r....
im just...tired...so ...tired...thats all...
thanks world..u've been kind....
You and Me?
6 days ago
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