"LOVE"...is just another word...jez another way of showing sumone u care for them..that they r the only one..with them u would die and etc2...rite....
...thers no such thing as true "LOVE".Its just human hormones reacting to another human.Thers just 3 simple word to explain that what u hav or had in ur relationship.The so-called "true love" is actually "driven" by Lust,Attraction n Attachment.This 3 "stages" is already enuff to explain evrything.
Lust - Testosterone and Oestrogen.
Attraction - Adrenaline , Dopamine and Serotonin.
Attachment - Oxytocin and Vasopressin.
Plz,do some research on these hormones mentioned..thers quite a few explanations u can find over the net..it makes sense..to me at least...for sumone who had been hurt a lot...so,based on that...i jez dun believe in "love" nmore..i'll rely more on logic from now on...but no worries..i still hav respect for those who still believe in it...believe it while u still wants to believe it.. ;)
Its nice to have sumone,to be in relationship...but...y shud i care?..y now?...i was fine all by myself before...n plz...thers no such thing as a fairy-tale-movie-driven relationships....its too good to be true..sure,evryone wants it...but,in real life..it hurts so much more..its more complicated than wat u think..the ups n downs is normal lorr...do u expect evrything would be PERFECT all the way?..its that the way u expect it to be?...stop dreaming n wake up...n stop lah all the "it hurts too much to try again" crap...sure,..it hurts..but evryone been through it lah..u're not the only one..its normal...jez keep trying n trying lah...u cant expect evrything to go the way u want it...if its not meant to be..then its not meant to be lorr...what do u expect?..u're not the one who can decide how things gonna turn out...its not in ur power nway...be tolerable..if u do "like" or "love" sumone,jez try n accept their perfect imperfections..try to accept others pasts..we all make mistakes..we're humans after all,...but we all do require a 2nd chance in order to change..evrything does...
LIFE - unfair...
LOVE - confusing...
People - complicated...
either way...we jez hav to keep on going forward...
Gnite world...u've been nice.. ;)
You and Me?
6 days ago
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