i dont know y i keep coming to u...
y shud i care?..
no one cares for me...
why shud i bother nway...
evry step forward i take is another step backward when it comes to u...
i wanna c u evryday if i can...but,u only need me when u're down...is that even fair?
your eyes,...
your smile,...
your laughs,...
even ur hair..jez to see it ,makes my day...
is it worth it?...
u're not feeling the same way as i do nway...do u?...
is it worth for me to wait?..wud it be different then?...
what good does it make?...
shud i ignore u?...
shud i talk it off with u?...
r u testing me?...
shesssssh....im so confused...someone,help...i hate this...
You and Me?
6 days ago
perempuan memang suke menguji.
ala...pasang spare part byk2.
y nak hope org yg mcm chipsmore?
hehe...yeah..i know...pasang spare part byk2?..wahh..im not like dat woo... ;)
yeah..but if u like sumone..u'll hope no matter what...even if u know its going nowher...its jez to satisfy urself..or a.k.a perasan lah..haha..but wtf rite... ;)
waaaaaa....i have a friend yg bfikiran mcm tu..a guy..tension la tgk korang nih. hehehe..opsie emo.
haish...y a...guys common~~ y waiting for sumting yg x pasti.
hehe..ther r certain type of ppl who rather waits on a certain sumone...maybe its worth it...we jez wanna know...it hurts..but we'll do it nway..even if dat person doesnt know it.. ;)
n emo??..haha..evrybody is like dat la...sum ppl doesnt show it...for certain reasons.. ;)
bagi maya karin pun mesti taknak.
ahah..maya karin tu..confirm la nak...thats not a question ok...hehe.. ;)
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